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Fundraiser Benefits

Most of our brochure fundraisers include a FREE Prize Program or additional profit. Please call us for details. View prize programs and incentives and learn what might work best for your group.
We include a kickoff letter with all of our brochure fundraisers which includes the important details of your fundraiser including the start date, end date, and any important contact information. A copy of the kickoff letter is included with every fundraising brochure sales kit. This letter can be completely customized by your organization before we print the letters!
All of our brochure fundraisers include FREE Brochures, Order Forms and Money Collection Envelopes. All brochures fundraisers cost absolutely nothing to get started. We provide all of our fundraising materials free of charge.
All fundraisers will receive FREE shipping and handling with low minimum orders. Please contact us for more details.
Once you have completed your fundraiser, you just send us back your completed order forms. We will check your orders for any errors, double check the calculations and then data enter each seller's order into our computer system. Once all of the orders are data entered we will generate several computer reports showing all of the details of you fundraiser. Check back soon, and there will be examples of the reports we provide linked here!
Some groups may qualify for Credit Terms or a deferred payment option. Public schools, some government agencies generally quality for payment terms. Please contact us if you think you may qualify for credit.
1. You can never have too many volunteers on delivery day. We recommend a minimum of three volunteers including at least one volunteer for every 250 items being delivered. Volunteers will be needed to unload, set up, and distribute orders. 2. Be sure to have tables available for order form pickup and product distribution.
Here is a recommended delivery day setup. This distribution setup works great if you have a large open area such as a gym, lunch room, or parking lot.
No Upfront / Startup Cost Free Brochures, Order Forms, Envelopes Free Packing Per Seller
Need to raise money without spending money upfront? No problem! All of Wow Fundraising brochure programs require no money upfront/no start up cost! We provide all of the materials needed to run the fundraiser which include:
