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Daycare Fundraising Ideas

Daycares exist to provide parents a nice place to watch their children while they are away. Being for-profit organizations, daycares will want to provide the best services and materials for the children while not causing a financial drain on the parents. Fundraising becomes required in order to raise the extra funds for these resources; whether it is for restocking daycare supplies, playground equipment, or simply reducing daycare tuition.

Many parents will often support a daycare fundraiser as long as they see a benefit for their child. Daycares may also offer incentives for the parents, such as free tuition for a month or two, to get them involved with the fundraising efforts.

Daycare Fundraising Ideas are items used to raise money for daycares to help them reach their financial goal. Smencils are a tried and true direct sale fundraiser that works well for kids. The kids love the scents and the parents love how the smencils serve a purpose for the child in the daycare. We all know the real reason parents love smencils however, they're SUGAR FREE!

Some daycares prefer the fundraising ideas that satisfy the kids craving for sugar. Fundraising lollipops or candy bars fill this need quite effectively.

Looking for a free fundraiser to run with no start up cost? Brochure programs make wonderful daycare fundraising ideas. Wow Fundraising will simply provide you will all the brochures, collection envelopes, parent letters, and return shipping labels. All you need to do is distribute the daycare fundraising materials to the sellers and then mail back the order forms using the pre-paid return-shipping label.

Interested in running a daycare fundraiser? Please contact one of our fundraising sales specialist at 888-203-7168 and they will assist you with choosing the best daycare fundraising idea for your area!

Top Products for Daycare Fundraising Ideas

Smencils "Scented Pencils" Tub

Scented Pencils made from 100% recycled newspaper soaked in gourmet scents
Make $200.00 per case
40% profit
$1.00 sellers
500 smencils per case