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Basketball Fundraising Ideas

Basketball fundraising ideas are fundraising products and programs used to raise money for groups. Each group will have its own reasons for fundraising, whether it is for uniforms, trips, or tuition, Wow Fundraising offers basketball fundraising ideas for all causes.

There are two primary sales types for fundraising, direct sales and brochure sales.

Direct sale fundraising products are items that are purchased upfront, distributed amongst the group members, and then sold for profit. These types of items include candy bars, lollipops, and more.

Brochure sale fundraising programs require no money up front! Wow Fundraising provides the basketball fundraising group with all the supplies necessary to run the sale, including brochures, order forms, and return envelopes. Once the sale is over, the orders are simply mailed back to Wow Fundraising where everything is totaled and tallied, reports will be generated and sent to the fundraising contact, and then products will be delivered.    

March Madness, an infamous term amongst sports enthusiast used to describe the time of year for the college basketball championship, creates an opportune moment for basketball fundraising. With basketball being so rich in the media, running a fundraiser along with the event works well.

Contact one of our fundraising specialist to get started today!

Top Products for Basketball Fundraising Ideas

Yummy Lix/Licks Gourmet Lollipops

Best selling fundraising lollipop
Make $340.00 per case
53% Profit
$1.00 sellers
640 assorted lollipops per case

Yummy Hearts Lollipops

Heart shaped lollipops, perfect for Valentine's Day
Make $340.00 per case
53% Profit
$1.00 sellers
640 assorted lollipops per case

Yummy Star Lollipops

Star shaped lollipops
Make $340.00 per case
53% Profit
$1.00 sellers
640 assorted lollipops per case