Many kudos to Keith Frick and Bob Thunselle; cyclists in Wyoming who have been raising money for the Ronald McDonald House in Denver. They are nearing their $100,000 goal which is needed for a "Wyoming" room in the newly renovated Ronald McDonald House. The Wyoming room will be a place for Wyoming children, who are patients in Denver-area hospitals, and their families can stay.
Post Date: Thu, 12/27/2007 - 12:43
Post Date: Thu, 12/27/2007 - 12:43
Barbara Hill, a teacher from Bartlett Elementary, developed a unique way to raise profits through a different kind of bake sale. Barbara and her class make and sell pretzels to help raise the money they need for UNICEF.
Making and selling pretzels helps teach the kids about donating their time and a few principles on how to run a business. Thanks to the Daily Herald for sharing this story and best of luck to Barbara Hill and her pretzel making class!
(Daily Herald - Arlene Miles, 11/12/2007)
Post Date: Tue, 11/13/2007 - 11:21
Post Date: Tue, 11/13/2007 - 11:21
Dance to your fundraising goal has been a unique moto by a dance club based in Bridgwater. Members of the Riviera LeRoc club raised approximately $170 for St Margaret's Somerset Hospice by doing pavement dance demonstrations.
The dance was a good way to get the community involved for they were also invited to come and take part at some modern jive.
Post Date: Tue, 10/23/2007 - 15:47
Post Date: Tue, 10/23/2007 - 15:47
Fundraising's not just for fun, it teaches morals too. Kids learn about work ethic through the whole fundraising process. See something you need or want and work hard to achieve it.
(AUTUMN PHELPS) 8/27/2007
Post Date: Tue, 09/11/2007 - 13:39
Post Date: Tue, 09/11/2007 - 13:39
Harley-Davidson fundraising efforts raised $87,000 for MDA at Sturgis Rally in South Dakota.
Post Date: Thu, 08/23/2007 - 15:46
Post Date: Thu, 08/23/2007 - 15:46
From Tewksbury, Massachusetts, one woman makes jewelry to sponsor herself in marathon walks to raise money in the fight against breast cancer. She also works full time, is writing a dissertation for her doctorate, and still trains for her walks (and I'm sure somewhere in all this has time for family and friends).
The art of fundraising
By Linda Kush/ Staff Writer
Thursday, August 3, 2006 - Updated: 08:29 AM EST
Post Date: Fri, 08/04/2006 - 14:00
Post Date: Fri, 08/04/2006 - 14:00
Even without the heatwave the country is sweating through, this would be a great fundraising event to help out your local community. Check out this article from St. Louis, Missouri.
Cool Down St. Louis will host its fifth annual Cool Down Weekend at Busch Stadium two hours before the Cardinals-Brewers games begin on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
About 150 volunteers dressed in yellow caps and holding yellow buckets will collect donations for the organization to provide air conditioners and pay electric bills for the elderly, disabled and needy.
Post Date: Wed, 08/02/2006 - 10:39
Post Date: Wed, 08/02/2006 - 10:39
Do you yell "Fore!" or "Geranimo!" or just plain get out of the way at this fundraising event? Take a look at this idea from Nashua, NH we found.
[T]he Golf Ball Drop steadily pulls the fun in fundraising up a notch or two, using a helicopter to disburse 1,000 balls from overhead within moments.
Post Date: Tue, 08/01/2006 - 12:09
Post Date: Tue, 08/01/2006 - 12:09
We ride 'em. We race 'em. Local businesses and families in the Chicago, Illinois area collect their pennies to rehabilitate them!
When horses young or old get sick, sometimes the easy option is to have the animal put down.
Sue Balla, president and co-founder of Field of Dreams Horse Rescue, says that instead, with a little love and a lot of help, those animals still can have a long life ahead of them.
However, rescuing horses that need a home and rehabilitation isn't easy, either.
Post Date: Tue, 08/01/2006 - 11:48
Post Date: Tue, 08/01/2006 - 11:48
An article from "The York Daily Record" (York, PA) that calls attention to health guidelines affecting local fundraising efforts:
Fundraising foods on the table: Candy, pizza vs. fruit baskets
Some district officials know how to handle new guidelines and others don't
Daily Record/Sunday News
Jul 16, 2006 — Some district officials and parents are concerned that new wellness guidelines might hurt fundraising efforts.
Post Date: Mon, 07/17/2006 - 16:14
Post Date: Mon, 07/17/2006 - 16:14