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School Fundraising Ideas for Thanksgiving

Serve up one of these school fundraisers!

The family's all there - and so are the friends.  Get an end
of the year school fundraiser set up and ask for some holiday good-
will to help your group achieve it's fundraising goals!


Cheesecake - This has been a phenomenal seller and with  the
holidays coming  up, you  should take  advantage of  all the
good cheer and make some sales! If you haven't tried  frozen
before or you're just  looking for something different,  try


Cookies, Fudge, and Fun! -  Want more variety, look at  these
brochures!  These are tried and true sellers.  Sign everybody
up *before* they eat their holiday dinners, though!


Delisheries Bake Mixes - Non frozen, cookies, brownies,  and
funnel cake. This is an awesome brochure! Plus, after all of
the holiday cooking, everybody will want something easy!


Remember to say Thanks! :-)