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Most Popular School Fundraisers

Tired of searching for what other schools are using for their successful fundraisers? Well, search no further!

With more than 15 years of helping schools raise money, we have recognized and assembled the most popular fundraising products available. There is no question here as we can see what makes these fundraisers so popular:

High Profit – Each of these fundraisers makes high profit for the school. Direct sale products will generate around 50% profit; while the Extravaganza will generate around 40% profit depending on how many products are sold.

Ease of Sale – Who doesn't like candy? All direct sale items are widely recognized by impulse buyers at super-markets nationwide. Candy bars, lollipops, smencils, and beef jerky sell great within the super-markets; so why not have your group capitalize on the impulse buyers cravings? Our most popular brochure school fundraisers sell items like cinnamon rolls, French bread pizza, cheesecake, popular magazines, and kitchen helpers.

Brand Recognition – Name brand, quality fundraising items generate a proven track record of good sales in the fundraising industry. Smencils, Dollar Bar Candy Bars, Hershey's, Jack Link's Beef Snacks, and Yummy Lix Lollipops are the most popular direct sale fundraising brands available. Our most popular brochure programs also offer top of the line branded products such as Zap-A-Snack French Bread Pizza, David’s Cookie Dough, and Heidi's Desserts.

Sale Benefits – To go along with your sale, we also offer wonderful benefits to our customers. Our most popular direct sale school fundraisers come with FREE shipping, low one case minimum, excellent customer service that provides order information every step of the way, and terms for schools! Our brochure programs also come with the instant terms for schools, no upfront or start up cost, FREE brochures, FREE order takers, FREE collection envelopes, and even a pre-paid return envelope for your group to return the order forms.

Top Products for Most Popular School Fundraisers

Smencils "Scented Pencils" Tub

Scented Pencils made from 100% recycled newspaper soaked in gourmet scents
Make $200.00 per case
40% profit
$1.00 sellers
500 smencils per case

Yummy Lix/Licks Gourmet Lollipops

Best selling fundraising lollipop
Make $352.00 per case
55% Profit
$1.00 sellers
640 assorted lollipops per case

America's Variety Candy Bars

Peanut Free, 1.2 oz. candy bars
Make $96.00 (up to $120.00) per case
40% Profit (up to 50% profit)
$1.00 sellers
240 candy bars per case

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