Order these items first, then sell them to your supporters on the spot. No taking orders and delivering items later. You can purchase upfront with a major credit card, check by phone, or school purchase order! Wow Fundraising carries a huge selection of the most profitable and popular fundraising items available. Most of our in hand fundraising items have a ONE case minimum order and include FREE SHIPPING!

More than 2 billion pencils are used in the United States every year. This environmentally conscious version is not only affordable and fun, but provides a unique fundraising alternative.

These are one of the most popular fundraising candy bars we sell. Your fundraiser will earn up to 50% profit. You only have to order ONE case at a time. There is NO minimum order.. They are the LARGEST candy bars in fundraising, weighing in at 1.5 ounces. They come in a large variety of flavors and you can purchase them in a variety case or in single flavor cases. Each candy bar sells for $1.00. We are happy to sell you one case at a time but ordering 2 upfront will save you the time it takes to reorder.

Everybody loves lollipops, especially when they are helping your organization raise BIG dollars. We sell over 40 different types of lollipops, so we are sure to have the perfect lollipop for your fundraiser. Our most popular pops are still the one ounce rounds like Carousel Rounds, Yummy Lix, Gourmet Rounds, Color Blasters, and Shockwaves Sour Pops. We carry a great selection of Holiday Pops (Christmas, Easter, Valentines Day, St. Patrick's and Halloween) and Sports Lollipops (Football, Baseball, Baseball, Soccer, and more!)

A tasty and healthy alternative, beef snacks are the fastest growing snack food in the fundraising industry. Beef and Sausage Sticks by Jack Link's Beef Jerky are low in fat, low carbohydrates, low sugar, and high in protein!

High profit fundraising items that save your supporters up to 50% local and nationwide retailers! Pizza Hut Fundraising Cards, Papa John's Fundraising Cards, photo portrait discounts, nationwide discounts, or even customize your own local discount cards!

We love our Dollar Bars, but you can't discount the power that big name candy bar brands like Hershey, Reeses, Twizzlers and Kit Kat (to name a few) will have on your fundraiser. You can earn up to 52% profit depending on the size of your order. Order in single case quantities, but earn the big profit percentages with larger orders.

Americans are busier and more stressed than ever and are looking for ways to organize their lives. The amount of requests alone for these handy 2-year planners secured them a place as a "must see" fundraiser.

Speicalizing in promoting a holiday or group, you'll find a colorful and unique alternative to tradtional pops here.

These HOT fundraising items are great for promoting your cause or message. Thes FULLY CUSTOMIZABLE bands are a great fundraiser with HUGE profit potiential.