Fundraising products for schools play a key role for providing the necessary funds for extracurricular activities, trips, activities or supplies that don't fit into the school budget. School fundraising products help make these extra programs, activities, and supplies available to the students. When running a school fundraiser, one should always check which programs and products they are allowed to sell. Each school corporation has different rules pertaining to school fundraising products, so be sure to clear the fundraiser with the Principal or the Fundraising Chairperson.
Smencils are scented pencils that have really taken off in Elementary Schools, Middle Schools, and Daycares. Kids really love the variety of scented products and will often buy more than one. Smencils work real well as a school fundraising product because they are not a food item and does not need to pass any strict nutrition food guideline.
One of most popular products and probably most well-known school fundraiser is candy bar fundraising. Hershey's and Van Wyk's Dollar Bars all hold a stake in the market. While some schools prevent the selling of chocolate in school, we were notified that some schools allowed the students to sell candy off school grounds or have their parents sell it at their work. Candy bars still remain one of the top selling, high profit, and well known school fundraising products out there.
For public schools that don't want to preorder product and would rather run a no money upfront fundraiser - brochure / order taker fundraisers would fit this situation perfectly. Two types of fundraising programs are available, full service and high profit.
Full service programs allow schools to sell school fundraising products via order takers. Orders are then returned to Wow Fundraising where they are totaled and tallied. Results and reports are sent back to the fundraising coordinator and then product is shipped, prepacked per student.
If one is not interested in the full service programs and would rather make higher profit. High profit school fundraiser programs would be the best choice. The fundraising coordinator would total all the products and then order, in bulk, the products needed.
If you are unsure with which school fundraising products you would like to sell, contact one of our fundraising specialist today at 888-203-7168.
Top Products for School Fundraising Products
Scented Pencils made from 100% recycled newspaper soaked in gourmet scents
Make $200.00 per case
40% profit
$1.00 sellers
500 smencils per case
Best selling fundraising lollipop
Make $340.00 per case
53% Profit
$1.00 sellers
640 assorted lollipops per case
Peanut Free, 1.2 oz. candy bars
Make $96.00 (up to $120.00) per case
40% Profit (up to 50% profit)
$1.00 sellers
240 candy bars per case