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Grow Your Fundraiser with Our Flower Bulbs!

It’s never too early to plant the seeds for future success! This fall, take advantage of an amazing opportunity with our Nature in Bloom brochure, packed with flower bulbs that bring beauty to gardens—and success to your fundraiser.

Here’s why selling flower bulbs this season is a fantastic idea for your group!

Fall Bulbs for Spring Blooms

The beauty of flower bulbs is in their transformation. Supporters purchase their bulbs in the fall, plant them easily, and wait for a stunning garden to blossom in the spring. It’s a product that continues to give back, not only by providing vibrant flowers but by supporting your group’s goals.

Effortless Fundraising with Maximum Profit

Flower bulbs strike the perfect balance between affordability and profit. The bulbs are reasonably priced, so supporters feel good about their purchase, while your organization benefits from high profit margins.

A Stunning Variety to Brighten Any Garden

Our Nature in Bloom brochure is filled with a wide selection of flower bulbs. From classics like tulips and daffodils to more exotic options like alliums, supporters can choose from a colorful and diverse range of bulbs to suit their garden. These easy-to-grow perennials are perfect for both seasoned and new gardeners alike, so your fundraiser appeals to everyone!

Ready to watch your fundraiser bloom? Give to your community a gift that keeps on giving.

Gardening Tip:

Did you know that flower bulbs are designed to store all the nutrients they need to bloom in the spring? When planting bulbs, remember to place them in the soil with the pointed side facing up, at a depth about three times the height of the bulb. For best results, plant them in well-drained soil during the fall months, giving them time to establish roots before winter sets in. With just a little effort, you’ll be rewarded with a garden full of color when spring arrives!

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