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March of Dimes reaches its Fundraising Goal

March of Dimes Walk

News that is always good to hear comes to us from Central Valley, NY where the March of Dimes has reached its $129,000 fundraising goal! 800 participants gathered at the Woodbury Common Premium Outlets on Sunday 4/26 to walk and raise money to help pregnant mothers and their babies.

Seventy cents of every dollar raised through the walk goes directly to programs that provide proper health care to pregnant women.March of Dimes Walk

News that is always good to hear comes to us from Central Valley, NY where the March of Dimes has reached its $129,000 fundraising goal! 800 participants gathered at the Woodbury Common Premium Outlets on Sunday 4/26 to walk and raise money to help pregnant mothers and their babies.

Seventy cents of every dollar raised through the walk goes directly to programs that provide proper health care to pregnant women. This provides them with proper prenatal vitamins and allows them to visit doctors regularly.

A March of Dimes study found that more than half a million babies a year in the United States are born prematurely, a number that the March of Dimes aims to reduce by funding research into various conditions,  as well as providing comfort and information to families affected.

To read the whole story, click here.